Thursday, February 28, 2008

So far, so Far Right: Go, Wilders, Go!

"Far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders has said that this week he will finish a film about Islam which has already triggered Muslim outrage."


Yes, Wilder's short film has outraged Muslims. So what? Recently a lady in Britain had her window sill collection of ceramic piggies confiscated by the local police because above said piggies offended Muslims walking past her window. Wilders is going a step beyond. Wilders is going so far as further than Theo Van Gogh and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the former murdered, the latter in life-long hiding. Go, Wilders, go.

Ah, but it's not just the Muslims who are upset with Wilders, The Dutch government is after him too, not to mention the institutional Death Hippies and professional trendies in the media who term Wilders a "far Right politician." For now, let's look at the geniuses in charge of the Netherlands.

Dutch Government Warns Party Leader About Anti-Islam Film - AFP

THE HAGUE (AFP)--The Dutch government on Wednesday warned far-right deputy Geert Wilders in person about the dangers of broadcasting his anti-Islam film, the justice ministry told AFP.

The Freedom Party leader, who controls nine of 150 seats in parliament, was called before Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin and Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen, who pleaded with him for almost an hour to back off.

Dow Jones Newswire.


OK, it's serious when the big time guys call you in to the office "in person." At least Wilders thinks so.:

Wilders accuses ministers of intimidation

Wilders says he was subject to "an hour of intimidation" on Wednesday.

28 February 2008

"The P.V.V. leader expects his film will be finished at the end of this week. He will then look for a television broadcaster to air the film."

THE HAGUE – Freedom Party P.V.V. leader Geert Wilders is furious about a talk ministers Ernst Hirsch Ballin (justice) and Maxime Verhagen (foreign affairs) held with him on Wednesday afternoon regarding his film on the Koran.

"It was an hour of intimidation," Wilders said after the talk.

[A] spokesperson for the justice ministry confirmed that a talk had taken place after reports about it on NOS Journaal.

The spokesperson would only say it was a continuation of a talk held in November last year when the government expressed its concerns about the consequences the film could have in the Netherlands and abroad.

Sources in The Hague say Hirsch Ballin, who called the meeting, has now also pointed out to Wilders that there could be legal consequences for Wilders if the film contains elements that could be considered hate inciting or blasphemous.

Insiders say Verhagen pointed out the political and economic damage the Netherlands could suffer. He also expressed serious concerns about the effects for Dutch institutions abroad.


Come on. The political leadership in the Netherlands has caused a major problem by allowing Medieval peasants to pour in to the country in an orgy of feel-good philobarbarism and anti-racist credential building. How does one say "Whoops!" in Dutch? Maybe it's Hoops! Hoops can they pin this fuck-up on! Wilders, far Right loony hate-monger, yeah, that's hoops. Except it doesn't work on normal people who aren't pot-smokers. Dutch people have enough sense to realize this party is Pooped it's Hoops.

Go, Wilders, Go!

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